Card Scores


Get out of the heat and play some cribbage. The Cribbage Club meets every Thursday at 1:00 p.m. in the Sienna Room, Tuscany Falls. The Cribbage Club is open to all PebbleCreek residents interested in playing a friendly game of cribbage. If you have a cribbage board and deck of card please bring them with you.

Here is our winners report.

May 16: Denny Stoll, Bill “25” Forshaw and Sandy Clinton.

May 23: Denny Stoll, John “Hoot” Evers and Rich Rugg.

June 6: Gregg Herrifor, Bob LaChapelle and Bill “25” Forshaw.

Also, on June 6, Bob La Chapelle had a 28-point hand. Congratulations, Bob!

For more information, please call Gary Lind at 623-215-4601, Rich Rugg at 623-856-5111 or Donna von Oy at 623-935-1967.


Here we are at the beginning of June and we have barely cracked 100 degrees. That is cool, literally and figuratively. What else is cool? Playing Pinochle on Thursday nights with your friends and neighbors. The snowbirds are gone so there is plenty of room for all.

May Winners

May 2: 1st Place: Rich Rugg, 6,920; 2nd Place: Denny Wallon, 6,920; 3rd Place: Mary Ann Chamberlin, 6,450; Booby Prize: Skip Holmes, 4,550.

May 9: 1st Place: Stan Zdnczyk, 7,530; 2nd Place: Laura Szakacs, 6,630; 3rd Place: Glenn Grube, 6,350; Booby Prize: Mary Ann Chamberlin, 3,960.

May 16: 1st Place: Howard Shannon, 6,660; 2nd Place: Skip Holmes, 6,380; 3rd Place: Kim Holmes, 6,260; Booby Prize: Larry Soper, 2,290.

May 23: 1st Place: Denny Wallon, 7,110; 2nd Place: Joan Wallon, 6,550; 3rd Place: Skip Holmes, 6,190; Booby Prize: Khana Soper, 4,040.

May 30: 1st Place: Rich Rugg, 6,780; 2nd Place: Joan Wallon, 6,200; 3rd Place: Kim Holmes, 6,110.

The Pinochle Club meets every Thursday night in the Sienna Room at the Tuscany Clubhouse. Play begins promptly at 6:30 p.m.


Get well wishes go out to Mary Yates and Gil Butson. Happy to have Keith Charlesworth back at the card tables.

Euchre Club is open to all who enjoy playing this card game. We meet weekly at Eagle’s Nest Clubhouse at 6:30 p.m., pay a dollar to play and practice a few hands until our President, Bill Halte, announces, “Deal them up” promptly at 7:00 p.m.

Recent Winners

May 16: 1st: Bill Halte, 58 points; 2nd: Bob Ferro, 57; 3rd: George Clark, 54; Loners: Dennis Hanely and Linda Vise, 3; Low: Jeanette Ratliff, 31.

May 23: 1st: Jerry Fox, 65; 2nd: Carole Hanely, 58; 3rd: Mary Ann O’Brien, 55; Loners: Jim Hundt and Marilyn Luke, 3; Low: Bill Halte, 42.

May 30: 1st: Brian Balliet, 64; 2nd: Monika Charlesworth, 63; 3rd: Bob Ferro, 62; Loners: George Clark, 4; Low: Mary Ann O’Brien.

June 6: 1st: Mary Ann O’Brien, 61; 2nd: Jim Hundt, 58; 3rd: Rosemary Rulka, 57; Loners: Brian Balliet, 3; Low:  JoAnn Kolesar, 28.