From left to right: Cindy Bunting, Glenn Ishibashi, Susan Skolnik, Adriana Greisman and Roger Bunting (photographer) enjoying snacks after viewing an exhibit at the Phoenix Art Museum.
Lynn Warren
Photographers can learn a lot by studying the work of others and on May 3, five PC Camera Club members toured the Mexican Photographer’s Exhibit at the Phoenix Art Museum and enjoyed a few snacks afterward. The club’s General Meeting, open to all PebbleCreek residents, meets monthly at 6:30 p.m. on the third Monday in the Coyote Room in TF Creative Arts Center (enter through the back door). Expertise in the club ranges from beginner to expert and the club strives to provide presentations that appeal to all levels. At the May meeting, Diana Matney, a local artist and PC resident, provided insight and tips for improving pictures through better composition; in June, the general meeting will be a pool party at TF Oasis. In addition to the general meeting, the club sponsors events such as recent outings to Bartlett Reservoir, Joshua Tree National Park and the Phoenix Art Museum. For additional information, contact the club president at [email protected].