“White Tanks Sunrise” by Lynn Warren … a colorful photo of a dramatic sunrise taken near the Horse Staging Area in White Tank Mountain Regional Park on an early morning hike; photo was taken on Oct. 5 with his Canon SX720 pocket camera in Aperture mode.
Is it sunrise or sunset? It could be either but the Photo of the Month is a dramatic sunrise captured by club member Lynn Warren. As everyone remembers, the summer was extremely hot so the hiking club departed very early and usually conducted nearby hikes. One benefit was that for a brief few minutes hikers were able to experience some spectacular sunrises. On one hike at the White Tanks, just a short distance west of PebbleCreek, Lynn was able to record a beautiful sunrise while including the windmill near the Horse Staging Area in the foreground (following the rule of thirds). This photo demonstrates how one can combine rather simple subjects and composition to achieve impressive results. For information about the Camera Club, visit the club website at pebblecreekcameraclub.com or email Keith Cunningham at [email protected].