Lynn Warren
Camera Club meetings continue to be conducted via Zoom in accordance with HOA and CDC guidelines. The April meeting featured an interesting presentation on infrared photography by Roger Bunting, club secretary. The May meeting will be on May 17 at 6:30 p.m. and feature a presentation on cell phone photography by Kelli Klymenko, an artist, photographer, and marketing director for Sedona Arts Center. This should be a popular presentation since many of us may only use a smartphone camera. Kelli’s images, including iPhone photos, can be found through Getty Images, in the 2014–20 Experience Sedona guides and Sedona Hometown guides, in multiple national ads, and in creative projects around the world. Kelli also writes an art blog and an in-print arts and culture column in the Sedona Red Rock News. For additional information about the Camera Club, or to receive a Zoom invite to the meeting, email Adriana Greisman at [email protected].