A beautiful example of Canadian Rockies scenery by Kathryn Dannay, featured presenter for the June Camera Club meeting.
Lynn Warren
Camera Club meetings will continue to be conducted via Zoom until mask and distance restrictions are lifted. The May meeting concentrated on cell phone photography, and the June meeting will feature a talk about travel photography and social media for photographers by Kathryn Dannay. The June meeting will be on June 21 at 6:30 p.m. Kathryn was a key member of several dotcom start-up companies that helped Fortune 1000 companies leverage the internet for their business. She became an independent consultant in 2002, and for over 15 years, has partnered with small to midsize businesses and nonprofits to develop internet business strategy. She has been an avid photographer for over 10 years and, in 2013, started Sweet Light Photos with her husband, Jeff. They travel the world and share their adventures through their travel and photography blog. Kathryn is also a member of the Phoenix Camera Club and is the digital media chair of the Arizona Camera Club Council. For additional information about the Camera Club or to receive a Zoom invite to the meeting, email Adriana Greisman at [email protected].