An example of creative photography by Ernie Jackson, utilizing a dead leaf and some readily available post-processing software.
Lynn Warren
All camera club meetings for the foreseeable future are to be conducted via Zoom. The August meeting featured an interesting presentation on Monsoon photography. Join us for the September 21 meeting, at 6:30 p.m., for a presentation on Creative Photography by camera club member Ernie Jackson; he will show us how he creates his otherworldly photos in his PebbleCreek backyard or garage, utilizing inexpensive equipment that most photographers already own. Ernie will explain how he sets up his shots, the equipment he uses to capture the images, and will also take us through his post-processing workflow, utilizing various software to create beautiful artwork from plain items, such as the photo above which was a leaf from backyard litter! The camera club’s image review is a friendly critique of images submitted by club members; photos range from those by beginners to those by pros, and viewers provide comments as to what they like about a photo, and what they think could have been done differently to improve the photo. If you would like to participate, please submit a maximum of three photos on any topic to Adriana at [email protected] by Friday, September 18. Contact Adriana at [email protected] if you need details for the Zoom meeting.