Claudia Clarkson
Here is your last minute reminder that T.T.T. Chapter P is continuing their annual Butter Braid Sale. The flavors we are offering this year are apple, Bavarian creme, cherry, cream cheese, cinnamon, blueberry cream cheese, and cinnamon rolls. The cost is $15, and you can place your order though Feb. 16.
You can buy through individual Chapter P members or stop by the Eagle’s Nest kiosk on one of the following days between 10 a.m. and noon to place your order:
* Feb. 1
* Feb. 3
* Feb. 8
* Feb. 10
In addition, purchases can be made by calling or texting our Chapter Secretary, Maureen Wilson, at 413-348-9951.
All orders will be delivered by Chapter P members on March 7.
Don’t miss out on these delicious pastries! They are quick to make and great to have on hand for company or just for yourself to enjoy! Even more importantly, all monies from this sale will go toward our mission of enhancing the lives of young girls here in the West Valley.