Roger Milewski, who is a member of the PebbleCreek Bocce Ball Association and also Arizona State Senior Olympics Commissioner, assists Cheryl Kasselmann, association president, with conducting a special clinic for the 52 new members on Monday, September 29 at the new bocce ball courts at Eagle’s Nest. Captains and co-captains participated in the training session.
Mollie McErlean
The popularity of the old world Italian game of bocce ball is on the rise these days, even attracting young, hip crowds who are discovering the game that has been keeping senior citizens’ blood flowing since ancient Egyptian times.
Nowhere, however, was the joy of this social game more evident than right here in PebbleCreek. On Wednesday, October 1, hundreds of enthusiastic bocce players officially kicked off the fall season on the beautiful, new, state-of-the-art courts at Eagle’s Nest.
Cheryl Kasselmann, president of the PebbleCreek Bocce Ball Association, who spearheaded efforts to get the new courts, is delighted that construction was completed in time for opening day competition. The new courts will allow all teams participating in both the Wednesday and Friday leagues to play at the same facility.
At the meeting of captains and co-captains on September 26, the association president thanked the Robson organization and the PebbleCreek Homeowners Association for “being wonderful” throughout the process of planning and building the new courts. She announced that the new 12 by 70 foot courts are custom made and upgraded in every way. They now meet the minimum size for official league competition and are handicapped accessible at both ends.
“I would like to extend an invitation to all residents of PebbleCreek to come out and see our new courts and consider joining the association,” President Kasselmann said. She pointed out that construction of a new equipment building and the installation of new 10 foot long benches, lights and UV protective coverings over the courts’ seating will be completed by the end of the year.
Currently there are a total 40 teams competing in the Wednesday and Friday leagues. Those numbers are expected to grow once all the snowbirds return. Bocce Ball Association Treasurer Mollie McErlean reports that early registration for the winter season begins now. Registration forms for the winter leagues are available in the Bocce Slot at the Community Information club board across from the Eagle’s Nest Pro Shop. For further information contact Mollie McErlean at [email protected] or 623-935-2822.