Who do you think is closer? Or maybe, the Easter Bunny left us some bocce eggs?
Carolyn Rota, Public Relations
Thanks to the cooperation of all the winter bocce team members, the winter session was a success, and everyone remained healthy. Now the spring session will start on March 30 and end on May 21. Hopefully everyone who wants to receive the vaccine has, or will soon, but until we are advised differently, we must follow the CDC and HOA instructions. Masks are mandatory at all times and must be worn correctly, covering your mouth and nose. If you don’t have a mask, you will be asked to leave the courts, as we are not supplying any.
The latest updates and current precautions the PebbleCreek Bocce Ball Association must take, and the HOA requires so we can finish the 2020-21 bocce season on a positive note, can be found on the Quickscores site.
Since our weather can be unpredictable this time of year, please check Quickscores for court closures. Please keep in mind, if after a rainstorm you see bubbles forming under the courts’ rugs, do not play on them, it will do damage.
Remember to visit www.Quickscores.com/pebblecreekbocce for all updates. If you have any questions or need help with QuickScores, please contact the bocce club president Tom Bose at 623-398-8675.
Remember: Wash your hands often, wear a mask when necessary, and keep social distancing. If you are feeling ill, see a doctor and follow their orders.