Teams Club 21 and Court Jesters wishing everyone a very merry Christmas and a happy Hanukkah.
Carolyn Rota, Public Relations
Yahoo, bocce started and we’re back to having fun! Since Oct. 21, the PebbleCreek Bocce ball members started rolling and the 2020-21 bocce season is looking great. All the planning by the bocce board to keep our members safe and healthy seems to have paid off. Also, a big part has to do with the players. Everyone played by the rules, wore masks, kept social distancing, followed the various procedures to sanitize the equipment, and worked and played together while having lots of laughs and a good time.
This 2020-21 session will conclude on Friday, Dec. 18. Registration for the second session starts in December and ends on January 20.
Remember, this article was written in early November, so if you want the latest updates and current precautions, go to the bocce website at www.quickscores.com/pebblecreekbocce.
Even though you are aware of the precautions that must be taken to have a second session, here is just another reminder. Masks are mandatory at all times and must be worn correctly covering your mouth and nose. If you don’t have a mask, you will be asked to leave the courts, as we are not supplying any. We must limit play to every other odd numbered court, and all equipment will be sanitized prior to, during, and after play. Only authorized board members will be able to open the shed and bring out the equipment. If you would like to help, just ask a board member who is there. As an additional sanitation effort, there will be sanitizer stations located on the awnings’ poles. You will find all the HOA required changes, and those implemented by the board, at the Quickscores site.
Before ending this December article, it’s important to acknowledge the hard work the bocce board has done to bring back the club and give members, who feel comfortable with playing, an opportunity to do so safely. Hopefully, after seeing this session go so well, more members will feel safe to sign up and have fun with friends. Thank you, bocce board, for all your concern, and a very big thank you to Tom and Mary Ann Bose for being at the courts every day and evening of bocce play to make sure rules were followed, questions were answered, and equipment was properly sanitized.
Once again, for all updates please visit Quickscores at www.quickscores.com/pebblecreekbocce.
Remember, wash your hands often, wear a mask when necessary, keep social distancing, and if you feel ill, see a doctor and follow their orders.
Bocce is back!