Let the fun begin!
Carolyn Rota, Public Relations
The day has finally come. On Oct. 21 the PC Bocce Ball members started rolling and began the 2020-21 bocce season. The Bocce Board, along with the HOA, worked diligently so we could once again go to the courts and play in a safe, healthy, and fun way.
Of course, there are guidelines we need to adhere to and reminder signs have been prominently placed at the courts. If you want to read up on all the precautions that will be instituted, go to the bocce website on Quickscores at www.Quickscores.come/pebblecreekbocce.
Due to these unparalleled times, there may only be two sessions this year. This session will conclude on Friday, Dec. 18. As to when the second session will start will depend on how this one goes. Many things can change. Hopefully everything will go great, but only time will tell. Normally registration is in December, so check the website periodically for updates on registration and any other information.
As was written in the October PC Post issue, due to the pandemic there had to be changes made so we continue to keep every person safe and healthy. To highlight a few necessary CDC requirements, please note that masks are mandatory at all times. Anyone without a mask will be asked to leave the courts; we are not supplying masks. We must limit play to every other odd numbered court, and all equipment will be sanitized prior to, during, and after play. Only authorized board members will be able to open the shed and bring out the equipment. As an additional sanitation effort, there will be sanitizer stations located behind the seats on the awning poles. You will find all the HOA required changes, and those implemented by the board on the Quickscores site.
A thank you goes out to all the members who have resigned for this session, and a big thank you to all the new people who have signed up to play.
Once again, for all updates please visit Quickscores at www.Quickscores.com/pebblecreekbocce.
To our veterans: Thank you for your service and sacrifices. You are always on our minds, forever in our hearts.
Wishing everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving.
Remember: Wash your hands often, wear a mask when necessary, and if you are feeling ill see a doctor and follow their orders. Keep social distancing.