2019 Bocce Board and Fox-10 Reporter Ty Brennan. Backrow (left to right): VP Bill Gavin; President Cheryl Kasselman; Ty Brennan, Fox-10; Front row: Secretary Gail Davidson; Statistician Carol Gwilt; Registration Angela Petter; Public Relations Carolyn Rota and Treasurer, Tom Snyder.
February: On Wednesday, February 27, 2019, PC Bocce Ball had their 20th anniversary celebration. As of this writing over 250 tickets have been sold. More details will be available in the April PC Post.
On Wednesday, February 13 the PC Wednesday Bocce teams had an exciting visit from FOX-10 reporter Ty Brennan. He stopped by to do a segment for his Sunday morning show on Fox-10. Ty interviewed Bocce President, Cheryl Kasselmann. He also spoke to a former PC Bocce player from the early years, Goodyear Mayor, Georgia Lord. Ty even tried, for the first time, his hand at playing. He did pretty well for a beginner. As of this printing we haven’t gotten an air date but when we do it will be put out on the e-group. What I do know is we looked fabulous, and were on our best bocce behavior.
March: On March 18, 19 and 20 PC Bocce teams will host a Charity Tournament and have invited other adult communities to participate. This year’s charity is A Soldier’s Best Friend. They provide returning soldiers who have combat-related PTSD/TBI with a therapeutic companion dog. Donations will be accepted for this worthy organization. Soldiers will be here during the tournament to demonstrate the bond between them and these remarkable service animals. The opening ceremonies will take place on Monday, March 18 at the Eagle’s Nest bocce courts. Luke Air Force Base will present colors, Mayor Georgia Lord, a former PC bocce player, will lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance and Bocce President Cheryl Kasselmann will lead us in singing the National Anthem. The remaining days’ Colors will be presented by the VFW Post 6310. We can still use volunteers to judge one, two or all three days and at the refreshment location. Please call Ken or Angela Petter at 602-750-7012 (not before 9:00 a.m.).
Bocce reminders: Mark your calendars: Bocce captains meeting Friday, March 22, 2019 at the Tuscany Falls Chianti Room, 9:00 a.m.
Spring League starts Tuesday, March 26, 2019 and goes til Friday, May 17, 2019.
In closing, it is with a heavy heart to report our beloved Mollie (McErlean) passed away on February 4, 2019. Mollie will be truly missed in our world of bocce. Mollie was a great member of our bocce board. She was always there to volunteer when something needed to be done. Her service of more than eight years as a board member is greatly appreciated. Our sincerest condolences to her family. She will be missed by her bocce family.