Sweet rolls! These two balls were rolled one after the other by Gail Augdahl of the Just Kiss It team. This is about as good as it gets—an equivalent of a golf hole-in-one. Ironically it was not for a game-winning shot, but occurred during practice.
Caela Casarino, Bocce Publicity Director
Even though the heat is upon us, it is time to think about playing Bocce in the upcoming fall season. Fall registration opens July 15 through Aug. 15, for fall season play starting Sept. 20 through Nov. 11. Registration fees are $10 per player and good for the entire three seasons! The Bocce Board asks that all captains collect the registration fees from their players and submit one team registration form.
And for all you new players, we highly encourage you to sign up for the fall season. So grab your neighbors or your friends and come up with at least six (preferably 8-10) people, come up with a killer team name, and start playing. If you don’t have a team, register anyway, as we will fit players into existing teams and/or create new teams. There are several days of league play for you to choose from: Tuesday or Thursday nights, or Wednesday and Friday mornings. Play in one league or all of them for the same $10 registration fee.
This year we are offering Bocce Friday Nights Training and Social, starting on Sept. 24. We plan on setting up several courts with different bocce skill drills, followed by open play bocce. Note that this training and social event is open to all PebbleCreek residents, not just Bocce Club members. Watch PebbleNews and the egroup for more specific times and information as we get closer to the date.
If you have any ideas or suggestions you would like the board to consider, please first visit www.quickscores.com/pebblecreekbocce, otherwise send them to [email protected].