Wednesday team Just Kiss It, in remembrance of Team Captain Caela Casarino
Tom Bose
The spring bocce leagues began on March 21 and ended on May 9. At the start of this spring session the weather made us feel like it was still winter and not the usual Arizona winter; it was more like an East Coast winter. We had rain, winds, more rain, gusts of wind, very cold days, and colder nights. But finally by the beginning of April the warm days and cool nights arrived. Since this is now June, I’m sure someone will complain about the heat. Goes to say, you can’t please everyone.
The Bocce Club is proud to have been able to donate monetary gifts to Wounded Warriors and the New Life Center.
As of July 1, the Bocce Board has some new members for our 2023-24 season. Our president is still Tom Bose, and our statistician is Mary Ann Bose. New to the Board is VP Darrell Cooper, Secretary Nancy Cooper, Treasurer Bob Pahl, and Registrar Donna Mund Gustafson. Still to be filled is the position of Publicity. If anyone is interested in filling this Board seat, please notify Tom Bose at 602-478-8747.
By the time you read this, the PebbleCreek Bocce Ball Association (PCBBA) will be on summer vacation, but remember you can always get all the latest updates and rules and regulations required by the PCBBA on the QuickScores site.
The Bocce Board wishes everyone a wonderful summer. To all our snowbirds, travel safe. To all of us hearty players who stay and enjoy the heat, you also travel safe. But most of all, everyone stay healthy and we’ll see you on the courts in September.
If you have any questions or need help with QuickScores, please contact Bocce Club President Tom Bose at 602-478-8747.