PebbleCreek Bocce Ball Association
PebbleCreek Bocce Ball Association Board
February has always been midway in the winter league. We hope everyone is having a great time and meeting wonderful people. It’s now time to think about signing up for the spring bocce league. Registration begins on Feb. 1 and ends on Feb. 25. The spring bocce league starts on Tuesday, March 15 and ends on May 6.
Established teams can be signed up by their captain on the Quickscore website at www.quickscores.com/pebblecreekbocce. New members should contact the bocce president, Tom Bose, at [email protected] or 602-478-8747. The spring league’s dues are $10 for new players only. If you are new, or haven’t played since September 2020, you will need to complete the waiver form found on the Quickscore website. Dues and waivers need to be sent or dropped off to Susan Fallon at 3608 N. 149 Ave. If anyone has questions about registration, don’t hesitate to contact Tom.
During the week of March 7, date TBD, bocce members will be invited to enjoy a bocce picnic. Watch for emails and information on Quickscores for the actual date, time, and location.
Vice President Greg McGee and Registrar Susan Fallon are working on forming an election committee. In 2022, the board positions of president, statistician, treasurer, and secretary are available for any member to run for. Each position is a two-year term. The board is also looking for someone to finish out the one-year term left of the publicity position. This position is normally a two-year term and up in the odd years. If you’re interested in running, or would like to nominate someone, with their permission, for any of these positions, email Greg McGee at [email protected] or Susan Fallon at [email protected]. Election forms will be mailed to the captains. Only captains can submit a vote for their team.
On March 11, there will be a captains’ meeting in the Tuscany Falls Ballroom, from 9 to 11 a.m., so be sure to save the date.
And lastly, we’re all saddened by the tragedies that can occur due to weather. The bocce board has made a generous donation of $1,000 to the Kentucky Victim Relief Fund. We hope our donation, along with all the other donations, will help the people of Kentucky know they are not forgotten.
We wish everyone a happy Valentine’s Day. Remember to go to the Quickscores website for all updates.