Giant Jenga was a huge success at the PC Singles Game Night. Member Rita Erne is pictured moments before the Leaning Tower of Tuscany came crashing down, eliciting uproarious laughter from the other game participants. Many thanks to Marion Ellison for hosting the game.
Pat Milich
It was this time last year when all six members of the Board of Directors were coming to the end of their two year terms. During their tenure, the PebbleCreek Singles Club had experienced unprecedented growth in membership, celebrated its fifteenth anniversary at a large gala and significantly increased the number and variety of events and activities on its monthly calendars. The outgoing board members had announced they were understandably tired and would not be seeking reelection. A nominating committee was charged with the difficult task of finding six new candidates to assume leadership roles in 2014.
Judy Shaffer was a new member of the PC Singles Club when she was asked to accept the nomination for president. It would be only for one year, since the club had just recently amended the bylaws to reduce officers’ terms from two years to one year.
Fortunately for the club, Judy said yes. Other newcomers also stepped forward. MJ Smyrl assumed the responsibilities of vice president and director of membership, Peggy Kuffner accepted the challenging job of activities director and Anita Asp took over as treasurer. Charla Cupit was elected secretary and Pat Milich, director of publicity. The new board didn’t miss a beat and 2014 has been another banner year for the club. A successful charitable fundraising campaign raised over $2000 to support homeless high school students, membership continued to grow and the dynamic activities committee consistently met the challenge of creating new and exciting forums for singles to gather for fun and friendship.
And the beat goes on! Four of the six current board members, Judy Shaffer, Peggy Kuffner, Anita Asp and Pat Milich will serve second terms in 2015. Rosemary Vana and Bobbie Ence will join the board as vice president and secretary respectively and Carolyn Bates will fill the newly created position of assistant activities director. Outgoing officers MJ Smyrl and Charla Cupit chose not to seek reelection and will be recognized for their outstanding service at a future gathering.
November and December will be active months for the club members with a Cowboy Cookout at Estella Mountain Park on November 1, Saguaro Lake Cruise and Dinner on November 13, Mesa Shop Meet on November 18, PC Singers Holiday Concert on December 4, Holiday Light Tour on December 9 and Holiday Dinner Party on December 14.
Membership in the club is open to all single residents of PebbleCreek, owners and renters. The group’s next meeting will be held Sunday, November 2 in the ballroom of the Tuscany Falls Clubhouse. New member registration begins at 2:15 p.m., activities sign up at 2:30 p.m. and the formal meeting at 3:00 p.m. Social Hour takes place after the meeting in the Long Drive Lounge. For further information contact Judy Shaffer at [email protected] or 951-215-1529.