Pete Williams
On November 17, 17 members of the PebbleCreek Hiking Club enjoyed another great day in paradise by hiking a loop hike in the Deem Hills Recreation Area. Hiking that day were (left to right): Tom Wellman, Marcella Hill, Bob Lenertz, Kathy Sabocinski, Stan Rubinstein, Wayne McKinney, Phil Sabocinski, Art Solorio, Helen Lewandowski, Jeanette Wellman, Ken Potter, Claudette Potter, Nadine Eder, Cathy Wells, Jim O’Shea and Wayne Wills. Doug Jamiolkowski was the hike leader and photographer. The club does hikes every weekday, September to May. Club meetings are held the third Thursday of each month (September through April) at 7:00 p.m. in the Tuscany Falls Ballroom. For more information about the club, please visit our website at