Aloha from the Singles Club

Kathy Smith, Publicity Director

On a beautiful day, March 11, there were 12 people from the Singles Club who met early in the morning for a trip to Tempe Town Lake. It was a very exciting adventure to the Arizona Aloha Festival. There were three stages to view many different dancing groups performing their dances from Hawaii and many various islands.

To the wonderful organizers we say “mahalo nui loa” (thank you very much).

The food was delicious starting with a great breakfast of malasadas, which are hot, light, and fluffy Hawaiian donuts rolled in granulated sugar and usually filled with a light custard cream. The malasada is Hawaii’s version of the beignet.

All PebbleCreek single residents are welcome to join our ever-growing group by calling Lynn Seidel at 414-403-1517. Then you can check out our calendar of upcoming events and choose which activities you would like to participate in. Our monthly meetings are held on the first Sunday of the month, at 2:30 p.m., in the Tuscany Falls Ballroom.