AGA Weekend Classic, front row (left to right): Ellen Enright, Marilyn Reynolds, Amber Rivera, Michelle Cattin, Carolyn Suttles, Jane Hee; Back row: Lyman Gallup, AGA Rules Official; Rueben Rivera, Dennis Cattin, Kathy Hubert-Wyss and Cindy Sota
Deanna Mendiola
The Arizona Golf Association’s 2019 Weekend Classic was held April 27-28 in Wickenburg. It was two-days and 36 holes of four-ball stroke play format with a Women’s Division and Mixed Division (one female, one male). The tournament was played at two beautiful courses – Wickenburg Ranch and Los Caballeros Golf Course.
There were ten PebbleCreek golfers who took the challenge and six of them finished in the winning circle. In the Mixed Division, first flight, Rueben and Amber Rivera won first place, low gross, and in the second flight, Dennis and Michelle Cattin won first place, low gross. Cindy Sota and Kathy Hubert-Wyss won second place, low gross, in the second flight of the Women’s Division. Congratulations, everyone!