AED machine donated by Kare Bears saves resident’s life

Sue White

Did you know that there are 13 AED Machines in PebbleCreek? All of these machines have been donated by the Kare Bears organization!

These machines are inspected annually by Ray Garcia, who also is the trainer for anyone who attends an AED/CPR class sponsored by Kare Bears. (The next class will be held on October 23; please refer to the Kare Bears Korner for more details). Ray is a Captain with the Phoenix Fire Department and also a volunteer with the Goodyear Fire Department.

The generous donations made by many from our community are what made it possible for Kare Bears to purchase these machines.

When Kare Bears purchased the first AED Machine in 1999, the hope would be that it would save a life when needed.

And it did just that! In July, one of our residents was dining at Toscana’s with his wife and friends. The resident was not feeling well while talking, stopped breathing and passed out. Due to the quick actions of Bill Kafitz, an EMT and Melissa Gonzales from Catering they performed CPR and then used the AED machine. The resident responded to the charge from the machine and he was saved.

It will give you comfort to know that employees of Robson all have been trained in CPR and the use of the AED machine.

If you are interested in knowing where the AED locations are in PebbleCreek, you may refer to the Kare Bears website at When you get to the Home Page on the site, scroll down the left side and click on “other information” and you will find the list of locations.

We wish this resident a speedy recovery and want to thank Bill and Melissa for their heroic efforts! They saved a life!

Think about enrolling in one of the future classes to learn CPR/AED! Check out the Kare Bears Korner for details!