Jim Roberts
The Italian-American Club had their July luncheon meeting at Carrabba’s Italian Restaurant on Thursday, July 21, 2016. Arrangements for the luncheon were made by Alice Miller. The meeting portion was conducted by our able President Ken Minichello.
Abbiamo mangiato at Carrabba
The Italian-American Club at PebbleCreek knows where to eat
They know Carrabba’s Italian Kitchen cannotta be beat
Judi Rizzzetto and Joe Cappiello with messalona ravioli and Vera with veal thatsa no bologna
And how you top the Avery’s with Joe’s chicky linguini and Mary Lou’s balls made of meat
You looka around the table and see Jim Roberts with a garbage pizza
And wife Carol and Patty Shupnik munching ravioli stuffed with lobster that’s a treatsa
The tomato caprese of Carolyn Minichillo that balanced the lentil soup of husband Ken
And John and Karen Campbell will enjoy the leftovers of their pizza and fettuccine Carrabba
Joanne Schneider, Deb Helmstetter, Geri Mantucca, Diane Santa Lucia, what a team
They chose the fabulous Chicken Marsala that looked just like a dream
Then there was Dick Helmstetter, Bob Mantucca, Steve Schneider and John Santa Lucia
Who upheld the tradition of Italians eating spaghetti and meatballs you know what I mean
Chicken prevailed with Charlie Miller, Frank Shupnik and Joan Suriano enjoying chicken parm
Bill Rizzetto had chicken salad while Deanna Lattari had Cavatappi Franco a taste from the farm
American dishes were present as Sue Lupo’s strawberry salad and Joe Lupo’s steak were pleasant
Marie Judice’s pork chops and Anna-Marie Petrie’s grilled salmon had a certain charm
Tony Surano had the Veal Marsala and we need to end up this verse on an Italian note
Tom Orlando had the chopped salad with Italian and Linda the Rocco salad with cheese of goat
Nancy Christman enjoyed pizza a bunch while Alice Miller had the fettuccini with shrimp for lunch
And this is the most delicious poem I have ever wrote
Original poetry by Deak, July 23, 2016 (Who is super hungry. Can I eat now?)
Deak is the nickname of the author and has been selected as the ‘nom de plume’ for written works and poetry of James Edward Roberts Jr., originally from Vienna, West Virginia; now resides in Canton, Ohio and winters in Goodyear, Arizona.