A Tribute to John Flynn Tennis Social

Carmel Flynn and Vikki Constable

Donna Gillen

On Feb. 23, our club gathered to celebrate a maverick in the Tennis Club. John Flynn was an innovative as well as an exceptional volunteer and asset to our club. The Tournament Director, Vikki Constable, planned a Round Robin event and our Social Director, Sharon Connors, hosted an afternoon luncheon to commemorate John. Afterwards, the group shared with his wife, Carmel, their loving memories of John. Vikki then presented the plaque to be placed in the Tennis Hut honoring John.

The day was gray and blustery, the courts were filled with players bundled up wanting to compete as a way to pay their respects to a man who many had taken Skills and Drills with over the years. With a watchful eye we followed the weather reports, and to our amazement, the sun came out as we celebrated the life of John. Carmel, with reserved strength, reflected to all of us on how John appreciated everyone, his love of tennis, and life of service to others. Her kind words brought misty eyes to many of those in attendance.

As this was a competitive event, there were many to acknowledge for their skills on the courts. Each court was ranked by skills level. The male and female winner of each court received new tennis balls. In keeping with the tradition used by John, the third place winner received the used balls.

The winners are as follows:

Court 1: Randy McConaughey as the male winner and Vicki Shane as the female winner. The third place winner: Steve Bachman.

Court 2: Barbara Camozzi led the women and Jonathan Colter beat out the men, with Brian Bostock as third place.

Court 3: We had Dave Frederick for the men and Mary McConaughey as our female champion, Jim Lewis received the used balls.

Court 7: Ted Ingalls was victorious against the men, and Shelly Gallagher took home the women’s victory. Susie Malone is enjoying the used balls.

Court 8: Lovely Linda Clark received first place in the women’s and Ken Minichiello was top dog for the men; Dick Hawkins took third.

Court 9: Charles Kesting was the head honcho and Pat Ingalls led the women in points to win. The truly remarkable Gary Forrest received the third place award.

Court 10: Julian Bindler reigned as the men’s winner and Roxie Forest held the court as the women’s winner; Pat Owens won the third place designation.

Court 11: Jay Hayden took home the honors for the men and Sharon Connors found time to trounce the women after setting out a lovely feast for all who attended, with John Russell as our third place winner.

Thank you to all that came to help reflect and ponder on the life of John. Forever in our hearts, and always a figure on our courts.