Club members attend the Andiamo social event at the home of Rose Ann and Bob Cleland following the monthly club meeting on September 10.
Judi Rizzetto
Ottobre e’ Italiana Heritage Month (October is Italian Heritage Month). As stated in the heading October is Italian Heritage Month. Did you know: “Every year the U.S. president signs an executive order designating the month of October as National Italian American Heritage Month?” It is a month during which the Italian Culture, Language, Genius, Artistry, History and Centuries of Discoveries and Accomplishments are celebrated and explored throughout the U.S.A. Little Italy in San Diego is celebrating Columbus Day with their annual Italian Festa. Here in Phoenix, the Arizona American Italian Club is celebrating the 100th year of one of Italy’s most incredible beauties—The Maserati—at their annual Italian Car show on Saturday, October 11, 2014, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Great food, drink, live music and other gorgeous vehicles will be available. The proceeds go to benefit a great charity.
The PC Italian American Club began the fall with the September 10, 2014, meeting. It was a great evening to renew some friendships (with the snowbirds beginning their return to Goodyear) and an opportunity to meet some new friends. The meeting started early with the sale/pickup of this year’s Poinsettia Ball tickets to club members. The club thanks the Poinsettia Ball Committee for planning and creating another fantastic ball to begin the Christmas season. Also at that meeting tickets, purchased earlier for the Christmas Pageant on Saturday, December 13, 2014, at Phoenix First Assembly of God Church, were available for pickup. There are approximately 120 members of both the PC Italian American and PC Irish American clubs attending the pageant. Arrangements for bus transportation were made. The club thanks Joe and Carol Rota for taking on this initiative. The evening ended with members participating in an Andiamo (Let’s Go) Get Together (an after meeting activity where the members can socialize and get better acquainted) at the home of our President Rose Ann Cleland and our Treasurer Bob Cleland. Members also met at Rudy’s Barbeque on September 18 for Dining Out. Our hosts Charlie and Alice Miller made arrangements for club members to socialize in a private dining room and try out this Texas barbeque. It was another afternoon of good food, good company and great conversation. The club again thanks Charlie and Alice for hosting.
Again, all PebbleCreekers i.e. all FBIs (Full Blooded Italians), IBMs (Italian by Marriage) and WEICs (Wanna Enjoy Italian Culture/Customs) are welcome to join us for another terrific year enjoying our own Little Italy. We will be celebrating Italian Heritage Month at our next meeting on Wednesday, October 15, 2014, at 7:00 p.m. in the Eagle’s Nest Ballroom. You can find an invitation to our club in the kiosk opposite the Eagle’s Nest Pro Shop or by contacting President Rose Ann Cleland at 535-9771 or [email protected].