Strategic Planning Committee sets 2016 agenda

Bob Paine

Bob Paine

Susan Knox Wilson

“The Strategic Planning Committee has set three primary goals for 2016,” revealed Bob Paine, chair of the group, “and we’re all eager and excited to tackle the work.” To meet these objectives, the Strategic Planning Committee (SPC) is forming study groups which will focus on: PebbleCreek’s HOA’s Facilities Department and Common Area Landscaping Crew; an initiative to integrate HOA technology systems; and providing continued support to the Food & Beverage Group as they implement suggestions and recommendations made by the SPC in 2015 and accepted by the HOA Board.

PebbleCreek’s Strategic Planning Committee is comprised of eleven volunteer homeowners representing various backgrounds and interests. Members use their life experience, training and education to study and understand PebbleCreek operations and activities and make planning recommendations to the HOA Board of Directors. The 2016 members are Russ Galewski, John Gimon, Steve Harper, Tom Johnson, Carolyn Minichiello, John Mitchell, Jeff Mowers, Bob Paine, Steve Phelps, Deb Smedley and Priscilla Wardlow. Photos and biographies of the SPC members can be found on the PebbleCreek HOA website (, under the governance/committees heading.

John Kiekbusch, SPC Board Liaison and HOA Board President, noted the importance of the SPC members who “represent and bring together various aspects of the PebbleCreek lifestyle including our amenities, golf operations, food and beverage services, clubs and organizations and long term financial planning. Having resident CPAs, bank presidents and corporate executives working without pay to improve our community is a huge benefit.”

The SPC meets at 9:00 a.m. on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month in the Tuscany Falls Clubhouse, Palermo Room. Residents are encouraged to attend.