Edna DeFord
The Diamondback Fiber Arts Room at the PC Creative Arts Center (CAC) was a swinging place on the first Wednesday of December as 20 members of the Sewing Club were busy making beautiful Christmas Potholders. Some of these ladies were “old time” sewers and others new or renewing their machine sewing skills. The PC Sewing Club is for any resident who is interested in sewing projects of their own or by renewing old skills or learning new ones. This group meets every Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (ish) in the Diamondback Room at the CAC. The first Wednesday of the month is scheduled from 9:15 a.m. to noon for some type of project using our machines, and the remaining Wednesdays are for open sewing where you bring your machine and project and enjoy great fellowship with other sewers. We like to take a break on Open Sewing Days to go to a quick lunch as a group.
On Jan. 8 (First Wednesday Project) we will reverse our class time and have a Sewing Club Annual Meeting as well as open sewing starting at 9 a.m. and Annual Meeting at 10 a.m. This will allow everyone to be available for the club’s Annual Meeting where we will be electing new officers for the year. Be sure and come and participate in the club. At noon the class will begin, making cute little sewing bags led by Mary Ann Boffey. Please contact Kathy Brown at [email protected] or text 303-882-8727 to register for the class. A $5 donation to the club is suggested at the class to pay for the supplies required. Other interesting classes are being planned for the year, and we are also planning projects on some third Wednesday mornings in the first three months of 2025. The first Wednesday in February we will be making a Valentine–themed project at 9:15 a.m. to noon, and open sewing is from noon until 4 p.m. We are looking forward to seeing lots of old and new faces on the Wednesday Sewing Club Days in the Diamondback Room.