PCM9GA Conducts Ryder Cup Tournament

White Team Ryder Cup winners

Ryder Cup event support contributors, left to right, are Kyle Metzler, Kerry Walsh, and Wayne Tripp (not pictured: Ray Clements, John Craven, and Bill Lansing).

On the morning of July 18, 72 PebbleCreek Men’s Nine-Hole Golf Association (PCM9GA) enthusiastic and motivated golfers gathered for our highly anticipated Ryders Cup tournament on a surprisingly wet and rainy 7:30 a.m. tee-off time utilizing the Tuscany West Back-Nine Course. Our rendition of the Ryder Cup playing format was a designated higher purse event and included a total of 36 twosome teams designated as the Red and White teams competing for the winning team score. The original Ryder Cup Tournament event, which began way back in 1927, was founded by Samuel Ryder, a notable English businessman. Ryder Cup competitive scoring is typically based upon point format in which the winning twosome of the two-team foursome is awarded one point for each hole. In cases of a tie on a specific hole, a 1/2 point is awarded to each two-some member.

To add additional intrigue and interest to the event, Holes 10, 11, and 12 were conducted in the Best Ball format in which twosome team members alternated between all their shots. Holes 13, 14, and 15 were Alternate Shot format where the best shot of the twosome was used for each succeeding shot, and lastly Holes 16, 17, and 18 were played as a 2Man Scramble.

Our Red and White total of 36 twosome teams teed off in intermittent quite heavy rain in the “shot-gun” format, causing some degree of chaos with everyone scrambling to keep their hands and gloves and so forth somehow dry enough to firmly grasp and swing their clubs. Fortunately the rain subsided after the first two holes of play.

In spite of Mother Nature playing a mean trick on us with the rainy start, the event was well received with the White 18 foursome team, headed by Captain Ray Clements quite soundly out-pacing the Red Team headed by Captain John Craven. Kudos to all winners and everyone who participated and actual team point scoring and individual highest point scoring winners were as follows:

White Team

Best Ball: 23.00

Alternate Shot: 33.50

Scramble: 29.00

Total Points: 85.50

Red Team

Best Ball: 31.00

Alternate Shot: 20.50

Scramble: 25.00

Total Points: 76.50

Individual Highest Point Scorers

Keith Anolick: 3.75

Wayne Tripp: 3.50

Gregory Ray: 3.50

Closest to Pin and Longest Putt Winners: Sam Ellis, Keith Anolick, and Tom Booth

Following this event, we all gathered for a continental breakfast at the Chianti Room where winners were announced and prizes were awarded to all participants. We look forward to these upcoming events: Beat the Pros Tournament on Sept. 26 and our three off-site October events at Verrado, Falcon Dunes, and the Top Golf Mixer.

Our PCM9GA group, founded way back in 2005, now has approximately 383 members. We highly encourage prospective PCM9GA members in our exceptional fun-loving, low-key group of golfers to contact our membership chairman, Tim Munson, at 503-460-7618.