General Manager’s Message

Bill Barnard

“It’s a dry heat” is the phrase we all cite when people ask us how we manage to live in the Valley during the summer. As we transition into the fall season, this summer has been typical with the monsoon bringing a bit more humidity, making those high temps feel even hotter some days. The monsoon brings dust and windstorms, and we have had several in recent weeks. As a result, we’ve experienced quite a bit of tree damage. Just as we get close to being done with clean-up, another storm brings more windy days that are then causing more damage. The good news is that our landscape crews are out in full force making every effort. They do a fantastic job and I am grateful to these folks working out in the heat, during another summer season of records being set for the most consecutive days over 100 degrees (at the time of publication, 78 and counting…).

We’ve had a lot of projects going on this summer and I’m pleased to announce that we have completed quite a few of them to include:

* Palm tree trimming throughout the community and golf courses

* Installation of a new shade structure at the North Pickleball Courts

* Numerous painting projects throughout the property

* Completion of golf course aerification projects at Eagle’s Nest and Tuscany Falls East, with Tuscany Falls West currently ongoing

* Repairing the damage at Gate 6

* Replacing the Eagle’s Nest Lounge/Bar flooring

We have a few major projects left that I would like to give a quick update on.


We’ve completed two roadwork projects that included the replacement of a small section of road near Gate 8 in Unit 53 and sealcoating in Unit 49B. We’ve got three more projects happening this month with crack seal and sealcoat in portions of Units 60 and 61, asphalt replacement in Unit 23/14, and replacement of the westbound lane from the Tuscany guard house to the sales center. Information related to all road projects is on the HOA website and has been in the Monday-morning PebbleNews. The major disruption will be from Aug. 22 to Aug. 27, as we will be using the eastbound lane of Clubhouse Drive for two-way traffic during the replacement of the westbound lane. We appreciate your cooperation and patience as these needed projects get completed.

HVAC Repairs/Replacement

The summer has taken its toll on air conditioning units in several of our buildings. We have replaced multiple units in the Tuscany Falls Fitness Center and new restaurant renovation. We are currently working on replacing four units in the Tuscany Falls Clubhouse, which should be completed by the end of this month.

Cart Path Repairs

We have identified quite a few areas of concrete that have been compromised at the Tuscany Falls East and West Golf courses, causing some safety concerns. We will take the opportunity to replace those areas during the closure for aerification.

Tavern Renovation

Construction is ongoing at the new restaurant, with final electrical work being the highest priority to complete. Drywall has begun throughout the building, and landscaping work has begun in the courtyard and behind the building. Next steps will be painting and adding stucco to the exterior, and flooring, millwork, and paint on the inside of the building. We are still looking at a fall opening and will continue communication and videos as we progress.

As the summer months stretch out and the heat feels relentless, we know cooler days are ahead! We will continue to focus on completing our summer projects so that we can be prepared for the upcoming busy season. Please remember to stay hydrated and safe as we push through these summer months.