Patrol Report

Bill Kyle, Community Services

Patrol Dispatched

Alarms All Other 2

All Facilities Locked at night 47

All Facilities Unlocked AM 47

Animal Rules Leash 3

Animals Lost & Found 3

Animals Misc. 1

Auto Accidents 1

Barking Dog 2

Broken Gate Arms 1

Buildings Checked 44

Damage to Property 2

Dead Animal Pickup 25

Debris on Road 30

Disabled Vehicle 1

Disturbance 1

Dust Dirt Complaint 6

Escort Guest/Homeowner 1

Flag and Sign Violations 0

Flat Tire Assistance 4

Gate Malfunctions 4

Golf Cart Tow 23

Golf Course Rules 1

Holiday or Sign Violations 2

Home Owner/Guest Assistance 11

Jump Start 16

Lighting Rules 1

Lost and Found 4

Miscellaneous 25

Pool Rules 0

Soliciting 1

Suspicious Act/Person 2

Theft 0

Water Leak 22

Weeds 8

Welfare Check 6

Total Dispatches for Month 347

Violation/Courtesy Notices/Warnings

Driveway Parking 41

Disabled Parking Violations 7

Expired Passes 5

Fire Lane Parking 2

Garage Door 37

Illegal Gate Entry 6

Parking on Unpaved Surface 1

RV Violations 2

Street Parking 18

Trash Rules 23

Speeding Violations via Radar 16

Stop Sign Violations Observed 21

Total Violations 179

Gate Counts

Tuscany Falls (TF) 45,668

Eagle’s Nest (EN) 31,385

Gate 2 14,517

Gate 3 4,953

Gate 4 22,286

Gate 6 19,043

Gate 7 18,143

Gate 8 30,689

Total EN & TF Unmanned Gates 186,684

Other Services

RFIDs installed 97

Vacation Watch 865

Guest Passes Issued 5,852