Genealogy Club News

Vicky Ferraresi

On July 8, members of the PebbleCreek Genealogy Club (PCGC) will travel to the Mesa Arizona Family Search Center for a tour with time to do individual research. We are looking forward to using their resources for our research. To learn more about the center, see

There is no meeting in August, as we go on vacation or stay out of the heat to individually work on our family trees or other projects and hobbies.

PCGC general meetings will resume after Labor Day on September 9 with a revised format. Meetings will start at 9 a.m. with a short business meeting, followed by tips and tricks and the speaker. Meetings are held on the second Monday of each month in the Palm Room in the Eagle’s Nest Clubhouse. Guests are always welcome!

On Monday, June 10, the club held a workshop on maximally using and Denise Beeson ably covered the basics of each family tree service including how to search the card catalog, reviewing the research databases, how to search for surnames, and other important aspects on the “how to” of using each family tree site. Participants, including guests, brought their laptops and got assistance from experienced users on how to apply this information to their own research.

Ms. Beeson has been learning and teaching about genealogy for over 20 years. She developed and is the instructor for the Genealogy Program at Santa Rosa Jr. College in Santa Rosa, California. She is a frequent guest speaker on various genealogy topics at the local Goodyear Library and in the PebbleCreek Lifelong Learning program. She holds a Master of Arts in French and Communications.

Hope to see you in September for the next round of topics!

Contact President Marsha Wallick at [email protected] for more information about the PCGC.

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