General Manager’s Message

Bill Barnard

Summer is upon us and we are starting to see some tripledigit temperatures; please stay hydrated and cool while you’re outdoors. We know that many of you will be going to cooler climates for at least a short time this summer, so please travel safely, too. During this time of year, our facilities and roads are somewhat less utilized, so we budget and plan to do many necessary projects during the summer, and we have several either underway or just beginning so I wanted to provide an update on those projects in my message this month.

Painting Projects

We are just completing painting the interior of the wall on the west side of the property along the 303 highway. We will then move on to paint the exterior of the Tuscany Falls Guard House, the Sunrise Park Ramada, the Central Pickleball Courts Ramada, and the storage shed of the Softball Field over the summertime.

Golf Course Aerification

All three of the golf courses will undergo aerification of fairways, tees, and greens during the summer months. This is the process of pulling cores out of the ground to help with compaction and to allow water and air to penetrate the soil for the health of the turf and to promote Bermuda grass growth. We hire an outside vendor with special equipment for this project as they pull much deeper cores than we are able to. The maintenance crews will also take advantage of the closing to complete some other projects to include sodding, irrigation repairs, and drainage work.

Aerification Closure Schedule*:

Tuscany Falls East: Closed June 24 through July 14

Eagle’s Nest: Closed July 15 through Aug. 4

Tuscany Falls West: Closed Aug. 5 through Aug. 18.

* Please note that there will always be two golf courses open for play during this project.

Palm Tree Trimming/Landscaping

As I mentioned last month, we have begun the annual trimming of palm trees throughout the community. Total Care Tree Service is working their way around the buildings and pools. They will then move around the property and work on the golf courses trees during the closures for aerification. The palm tree trimming takes 10 to 12 weeks for completion, so it will likely go through the month of July. Please be patient if they haven’t gotten to your area yet; they will get there. The landscape team will complete planting of new shrubs and trees this month. We will hold off on any new plantings during the heat of the summer and work on making sure the irrigation is running sufficiently. The landscape team will also work on granite replenishing during the summer months.


We have several road projects that will be scheduled this summer, to include the removal and replacement of asphalt in Unit 23 as well as the westbound lane of Clubhouse Drive from the guard house to the sales center. We will also do crack sealing and seal coating in partial areas of Unit 60 and 61. We will announce the schedule once we receive confirmation from Sunland Asphalt, but this work will likely be in the August timeframe.

Restaurant Renovation

The restaurant renovation is moving along with some noticeable progress. All of the structural work is complete and the storefront windows are being installed throughout the building, with doors to follow. The bar top has been installed, and the concrete has been poured on the outdoor patio. One walk-in cooler has been installed in the kitchen, with three more walk-ins to be completed this week. Electrical, plumbing, and fire systems are in their final stages, and installation of sheetrock will begin soon. We do not yet have an exact completion date, but will keep the community informed as we get more information.

We will continue to update the community on the progress of these projects via the HOA website, the Monday-morning PebbleNews, and during our monthly town hall meetings. Please check the communication in these areas frequently to get the most up-to-date information. We certainly appreciate your patience and understanding as these projects take place. We understand that these projects may impose an inconvenience at times, but upon completion, PebbleCreek will remain the wonderful and beautiful community that it is.