Michelle Kuhl
Hello, I am Gideon! My mom, Mam-ma, brother Caleb (mini Aussie), and I moved to PebbleCreek after my Pap-pa passed away in 2017. My Mam-ma had several major health issues (including seven surgeries in 2018). My mom and Mam- ma wanted to be active in church, but due to health issues were very limited to physically being active. The Lord placed on my mom’s heart to start her own “Paws to Pray” ministry. We have a prayer journal where we log prayer requests and/or just pray for those we know need prayer.
My brother Caleb just recently passed away, and we miss him terribly. I am going to start helping my mom and Mam-ma share Jesus with others. She made a card; The front of the card has a QR code that tells the story of Jesus. The back of the card has a QR code for the song “Bible in the drawer.”