Camera Club Photo of the Month

Randy Vlcek’s dramatic image of canoes staged on a dock at world-famous Lake Louise; photo was taken with a Nikon D200, F8, ISO 100, 1/40 sec, 25mm wide angle.

Lynn Warren

For January’s Photo of the Month, the Camera Club selected a colorful image of canoes neatly stacked on a dock waiting to be rented. While on a trip to Canada in 2010, Randy Vlcek captured this colorful grouping of red canoes waiting to be deployed on world-famous Lake Louise, 40 miles northwest of Banff. The picture has great lines in addition to striking color and contrast, and the viewer is drawn into the scene. The clouds and snowy mountains create a foreboding mood but yet the lake was glassy calm and the scene was further enhanced by the lone canoe actually on the lake. For information about the Camera Club, visit the club website at or email Keith Cunningham at [email protected].