Donna Gillen
Who ever thought you could lose your tennis game and still be a winner?
Well, Vikki Constable, tournament director for the tennis club, came up with a winner of an event: “Poker Tennis.” The concept was simple: win or lose, you get a playing card. At the end of the five sets of tennis, the person with the best poker hand was the winner. It did not matter if you won; it only mattered if you were lucky enough to draw the right cards after each set.
This event occurred on a very lovely Oct. 12 in the afternoon. We couldn’t have asked for better weather that day. Players were matched up with players of similar abilities on the court. After 90 minutes of play, the active part of the afternoon turned into the feasting fest.
Sharon Connors, our social director, served up a tasty array of chicken wings, BBQ meatballs, salads, and various other delights, along with a fabulous tray of cookies. There were many beverages available to quench the thirst of the players as well as any guests who attended.
All in all, we had a lovely afternoon with unsuspecting winners. Our winners were: Pat Ingalls, Aquine Jackson, Norman Winderlich, and Karyn Swinford. These winners not only played fantastic tennis, but also had the magic hands to win at poker.
Let’s hope this event becomes a tradition with the club—the participants all had a wonderful afternoon!