John d’Auguste
Babygirl Pumpkin isn’t quite a baby anymore, but she is my wife Patricia’s best friend. Pumpkin loves company and she gets so excited that she barks her head off. It takes some getting used to, but most people come around. Pumpkin will stop barking after a few seconds or a few minutes. After thirteen years, Pumpkin may start to bark at our son a little less, but we are not sure. Pumpkin is just a happy dog.
Pumpkin and Pat have a unique relationship. They actually talk to each other and, at times, it is hard to see who is in charge. Pumpkin lets Pat know exactly what kind of treat she wants and will turn her head if it isn’t the right one. Pat will tell Pumpkin it is time for a walk and Pumpkin will fly over to the leash and start dancing. This makes attaching the leash a challenge.
Pumpkin simply makes Pat smile, even when she tries to sneak off the patio. Pat tells her no and Pumpkin sulks back to her spot by Pat only to try again later. This has been going on for years. Pumpkin can tell when she is in trouble because Pat will say Pumpkin in a slow drawn out word. Pumpkin will come over to Pat and start talking. Pat knows what she is saying and that is amazing.
Pumpkin always sleeps near Pat’s head on the floor, but she will also patrol the house at night to make sure we are safe. In the morning Pumpkin always waits for Pat to wake up and is quiet, even if Pat sleeps in.
Finally, Pumpkin moved from the Midwest where she used to hoard her treats and bury them in the backyard in the dirt or snow. Pumpkin doesn’t quite understand artificial turf yet, but she knows she can’t bury her stash in it. So she collects her dog biscuits, dog bones, doggy treats and more and stacks them in our Den. This isn’t a problem unless you are walking around in bare feet. When that happens, what follows is an “ouch” and a very loud Pumpkin followed by a Pat.
John d’Auguste; Pat’s husband and Pumpkin’s dad