3-2-1 Fitness 2016

Last year saw the opening of the Tuscany Fitness Studios in November and the re-opening of the renovated Tuscany Fitness Center in December. With the New Year upon us, it’s a good the time to start taking advantage of these two top-notch facilities!

At The Studios, instructor led classes continue with PebbleCreek favorites of Zumba, Tai Chi and Hula Hoop—with many other classes scheduled each week as well. A full listing is available at the HOA website (www.pebblecreekhoa.org) under the Fitness page. In addition, The Studios house the Spin Bikes with DVDs available for checkout at the front desk, along with the new WellBeats virtual exercise class system. Many of you have explored this latest technology with rave reviews, while others have been shy to give it a try. Your Studio staff is here to help.

During the month of January, try out the WellBeats with the Kick Start the New Year exercise program on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday at select times as indicated on the class schedule. This Kick Start program will help launch your 2016 exercise journey by introducing you to the many WellBeats Channels while gradually conditioning your body and mind as it adapts to a regular exercise schedule. WellBeats is available with no class fee. Information is available at The Studios and on the HOA website.

At the Tuscany Fitness Center and Eagle’s Nest fitness facility, launch your 2016 exercise journey by taking the Road, Ride and Row Cardio Fitness Challenge. During the month of January track your mileage on the Road (via ellipticals or treadmills) on the Ride (via the upright, recumbent and spin bikes, see https://www.bestexbike.com/best-recumbent-bike-complete-reviews-with-comparisons/ for reviews on recumbents and how they can be more beneficial than an upright exercise bike) and on the Row using the new rowing machine at the Tuscany Falls Fitness Center. This self-monitoring fitness challenge will start with you setting a personal goal in each category and then tracking your miles throughout the month to monitor your success in meeting the goal.

Start the countdown—3-2-1 and make 2016 your year of fitness. The new fitness facilities are here to help motivate you along the way.