I am ready for the parade.
Jim Ellison
Preparations are currently underway for our twentieth annual PebbleCreek Pooch Parade which will be held on Saturday, March 26, 2016, at the Eagle’s Nest Clubhouse on the back patio. Entry registration forms for your dogs will be made available in early February at the Eagle’s Nest Clubhouse and on our website (pcpets.org). During this year’s event, the dogs will be judged and awarded first, second and third place prizes for Best Costume.
In conjunction with the Pooch Parade, the Pet Companions Club of PebbleCreek will again be holding a raffle. Proceeds from this year’s event will be used to support our animal rescue efforts here in PebbleCreek.
As in the past, we will also have Easter baskets for the young children in attendance. This is always a fun event for the whole family. If you have never attended one of our pooch parades in the past, please consider coming out to enjoy the festivities and support our worthwhile efforts in support of the pets of our community.
Please address any questions to Jim or Marge Ellison at 623-935-6651.