2 Your Health: New local business fights atrophy of aging

Editor’s Note: “2 Your Health” is a new column in the PebbleCreek Post dedicated to health issues. Each month different doctors and or medical associations, from varying specialties, will be writing on issues of importance. Articles are based on experiences and independent research conducted by the doctors or medical associations. We encourage anyone considering changing medications and or altering medical therapy, as a result of information contained in these articles, to consult your doctor first. Robson Publishing, a division of Robson Communities, Inc. is not liable for information contained in these articles.

Around the age of 30 most people’s bodies start to decline in bone and muscle mass. For most of us, doing the things necessary to keep our bodies healthy and fit becomes harder. We begin to atrophy and are left weaker, more fragile. OsteoStrong, a nationwide franchise new to Avondale, uses old science combined with new technology to make reversing these effects a fast and easy process called Osteogenic Loading.

According to OsteoStrong owner Robert Runeborg, “Members come dressed in their everyday clothes once a week to perform a 15 minute sweat-free session that requires them to do four isometric trigger events on a computer monitored device that stimulates increases in bone density, muscle and joint strength and balance. We call them trigger events because they cause the body to have a natural adaptation due to the load the member is comfortably placing on his/her body.”

The Osteogenic Loading device was developed for people with Osteoporosis using long held medical knowledge from the 1890s known as Wolfe’s Law, which states that bones placed under the right amount of pressure grow more dense. Runeborg goes on to say, “The most recent published results on Osteogenic Loading shows that on average users show a 14% gain in both the hips and spine, far exceeding any other form of exercise or pharmaceutical available.”

“But it’s more than just bones,” Runeborg added, “The device also stimulates muscle and joint strength in a way unlike traditional methods. On average members see about a 73% increase in strength per year using the device. For people with degenerative issues like MS or Parkinson’s, we are an easy way to maintain strength and bone density. For people living with Type II Diabetes we are an easy method for lowering A1C levels.”

Judith Sebastian of Sun City remarked, “Since starting OsteoStrong I have noticed a marked improvement in my strength and my balance has improved. I enthusiastically look forward to my appointment to see my growth. I’m so happy to have OsteoStrong to help improve my bone density rather than taking medication.”

“The device is made to be used by people of all ages and levels of conditioning. Members with joint and back pain issues will often see a decrease in the amount of pain they experience. In fact, some of the most dramatic examples of how effective the device is comes from our athletes that have had significant drops in their personal best times running and swimming after just a few sessions,” Runeborg added.

“OsteoStrong has been an amazing benefit to my overall feeling of energy and wellness. The added strength has helped my golf swing to produce 10 to 20 yards more distance,” member Nancy Burton of PebbleCreek commented.

“Since opening in October we’ve had great feedback on how it is improving the quality of our members’ lives; we are making a real difference.” Runeborg concluded, “By coming into OsteoStrong for a simple 15 minute session once a week you are not only fighting the atrophy that comes with aging but you are also helping to reverse it!”

To learn more about OsteoStrong and to schedule a free session call 623-271-7178 or visit osteostrong.me.