Janet Day, President of the PebbleCreek Recreational Mah Jongg Club, announces it is time to enter the upcoming tournament:
Who: PebbleCreek homeowners and renters
What: Annual Mah Jongg Tournament
Where: Tuscany Falls Clubhouse – Chianti Room
When: Thursday, March 10, 2016 (10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.)
Cost: $30 entry fee which covers lunch and cash prizes
PebbleCreek residents are invited to enter the upcoming tournament for a day of fun, a good time with neighbors, friendly competition and a chance to win prize money. Entrants will play eight rounds of mahjongg and the top ten scorers will receive cash prizes, the amounts dependent upon the number of players in the tournament. Last year over 50 people entered.
The tournament will be governed by the National Mah Jongg League Rules and will again have Alex Potapoff serving as arbitrator and host, along with Janet Day.
Enrollment for the tournament will be handled by club President Janet Day. Checks should be made out to Alex Potapoff and mailed to Janet Day, 3787 N. 153rd Drive, Goodyear, Arizona 85395. Entries must be received no later than March 3, 2016. Entries received after that date will be put on a waiting list until a full table of four can be made.
Refund deadline is February 28, 2016. Mark your calendars!