Patrol Report

Alarms All Other        12

Barking Dog        0

Animals Misc.        3

Animal Rules Leash        2

Animals Lost & Found        1

Auto Accidents        3

Bee Complaints        3

Cones Placed        2

Debris On Road        3

Damage to Property        4

Dead Animal Pickup        5

Disabled Vehicle        1

Disturbance        1

Dust Dirt Complaint        0

Escort Guest/Homeowner        2

Flat Tire Assistance        1

Gate Malfunctions        11

Golf Cart Tow        10

Golf Course Rules        2

Holiday or Sign Violations        11

Home Owner/Guest Assistance        14

House Vacation Watch        646

Jump Start        30

Lighting Rules        2

Lost and Found        1

Miscellaneous        28

Pool Rules        2

RFID’s Installed        90

Soliciting        1

Speeding Complaint by H/O        1

Suspicious Act/Person        7

Theft        2

Water Leak        41

Welfare Check        12

Weeds        2

Total Dispatches for Month        925

Violation/Courtesy Notices/Warnings

Driveway Parking        26

Disabled Parking Violations        2

Fire Lane Parking        1

Garage Door        70

Illegal Gate Entry        4

Expired Passes        30

RV Violations        9

Parking On Unpaved Surface        0

Street Parking        22

Trash Rules        66

Speeding Tickets/Warnings issued        11

Stop Sign Courtesy/Tickets Issued        17

Total        258

Gate #8 Construction Gate        720

Main HO Gates Count        56,074

Sun Damages Your Vehicles

This is the time of the year when it is most important to keep your vehicles in the garage.

When Your Vehicle Sits In Excess Heat:

* Paint is damaged beyond repair

* Seat upholstery fades and dries out

* Tires dry out and crack

* Hoses and belts in the engine break down

* Dashboards crack

* Temperature will rise above 160 degrees

* Car value drop dramatically


At no time is anyone allowed to sleep in a RV.

Homeowner’s RVs can be parked in front of your home for up to two nights (48 Hours), within a seven day period.

Guest RV’s must be parked in the RV lot located in Eagles Nest for up to 72 hours in a 90 day period.