New acoustic sound panels installed at Renaissance Theater

Jenn Schell, PCHOA Communications Coordinator

The Renaissance Theater just had a recent upgrade and it sounds really great! Over the last month new acoustic sound panels were installed on the walls of the theater. You can purchase these custom panels from places like Versare and they can help to control and reduce echo and reverberation within the theater. For this reason, they are also popular in offices and places where you want to keep noise to a minimum. Most common sound issues in theaters come from sound reflecting off of the hard surfaces of the room, such as the walls, ceiling and floors. This reflection of sound creates a dense series of echoes that are called reverberation and this reverberation can sometimes make it hard to discern some of what is being said from the stage. There are many places that could eventually require the use of sound blocking panels, in order to help minimise the noise reduction, especially through the use of production equipment.

By strategically placing acoustic panels on the parallel side walls of the theater, which were the main source of sound refection in the room, we were able to clean up the sound in the room. According to Matt Drui, PebbleCreek’s Production Coordinator, and a trained sound engineer, “The installation of these panels will enhance theater goers’ experience here at PebbleCreek. The shape and color of the sound in the theater has been greatly improved.”

With the approval and allotment of resources from the HOA Board along with financial participation from the Performing Arts Council, the planning for the new sound panels began well over a year ago. The first step was to hire an acoustician, or sound specialist. MD Acoustics, a local acoustical engineering firm that specializes in sound solutions and design, was selected. MD Acoustics took sound measurements of our theater space, recorded the level of reverberations in various points in the room and made recommendations about how we could use acoustic panels to improve the experience in the Renaissance Theater. We then contracted with another local company, PNC West, Inc., to produce and install our new acoustic wall panels. PNC West, Inc. is known for their expertise in creating elegantly themed acoustic treatments for entertainment facilities worldwide.

The design and installation of the panels has been seamless, and the result is not only beautiful but will also greatly enhance your theater going experience! Sounds good, right?