Men’s Christian Fellowship hears “History of the Bible”

Don Callaghan speaking to the Men’s Christian Fellowship

Don Callaghan speaking to the Men’s Christian Fellowship

Larry Gleason

At their March 4 meeting the Men’s Christian Fellowship heard a fascinating overview on the History of the Bible from Don Callaghan, curator of The Bible Museum here in Goodyear and a teacher of Bible history for more than 25 years. Don explained, through the Bible God reveals himself to us and the first written word from God began with Moses on Mount Sinai around 1450 B.C., using the Hebrew language. 1000 years later when the Jews returned home, other written languages, such as Aramaic, began being used so that God could reveal himself to the whole world. God used Alexander the Great’s world conquership to further spread His word in Greek. In 300 B.C. 70 Hebrew scholars began translating the Hebrew Old Testament into Greek, a translation known as the Septuagint. By the time of Christ, the Septuagint was the biblical authority and used by Christ in reading scrolls and later by Paul in his writings. By 300 A.D. God’s word had been translated into many languages. By 600 A.D. the Roman Church gained preeminence and Latin was the only language for the scriptures, which historians call the Dark Ages due to God’s word being so restricted. In the fourteenth century John Wycliffe, an English biblical scholar, decided to translate the Latin scriptures into the language of the common man in hopes of changing non-Biblical practices and behavior. The Roman Catholic Church’s attempts to stop Wycliffe’s work failed and he succeeded in spreading God’s word throughout the world. In the early sixteenth century another English scholar, William Tyndale, was encouraged by God to write a new translation of the Bible in English, based on Hebrew and Greek texts. This effort defied the Pope and English laws, forcing Tyndale to flee to Germany. Using the printing press, thousands of Tyndale Bibles were printed and smuggled into England. Tyndale was eventually burned at the stake for his efforts.

At the end of his presentation Don showed the Fellowship several first edition Bibles from the sixteenth century, including a 1537 Bible printed by Tyndale’s pastor with pages made of cotton. He noted the early English Bibles had 80 books, called the Apocrypha edition, which was changed in 1885 to 66 books by the Catholic Church. Many biblical scholars say the Apocrypha were in the Septuagint Jesus used. Don emphasized that God sent Jesus to be the place where He meets us, which through faith and trust we take the opportunity.

Don shared The Bible Museum, located in Goodyear at the Hampton Inn, displays how God has preserved his Word through the ages. This is the only Bible museum in the U.S. and scholars from all over the world come to Goodyear to study the museum’s numerous texts. The museum is open 24 hours a day and free tours for eight or more persons can be arranged. Don noted the Green family, owners of Hobby Lobby, is establishing a National Bible Museum in Washington, D.C., located two blocks from the White House.

On Wednesday, April 1, there will be no Fellowship meeting as the membership will be doing a morning outreach mission at St. Mary’s Food Bank in Surprise. All men residing in PebbleCreek are welcome to participate. Those interested in participating can contact Jim Jarvis at: [email protected].