Are LLL Special Programs special?

Are LLL Special Programs special?

You bet!

LifeLong Learning always keeps an eye out for opportunities to develop new and different programs, in addition to its lectures, trips and classes.

“Our special programs let us offer new and unique opportunities that do not quite fit into our main categories,” explained President Phyllis Minsuk. “We’re able to provide new events to expand residents’ learning choices and offer them free of charge.”

TED Talks

Three years ago, LifeLong Learning added TED Talks to its lineup. For two hours once a month, from November to April, participants watch TED Talks videos on a variety of topics and then discuss them in small discussion groups.

TED Talks fit with LLL’s desire to expand the knowledge and horizons of the community’s residents,” Minsuk said. Three talks, none more than 18-minutes long and some much shorter, are shown each session, with brief discussions following. The talks are free, the discussions are stimulating, but registration is required and limited to 32 participants.

“If you’re interested in discovering something new, or a new way of looking at a topic you thought you knew about, you’re perfect for TED,” said Shannon Tyree, host of TED Talks. “I urge fellow Creekers to check out the talks we’ve shown, then sign up and join us this season.” Previous seasons’ talks are linked from the TED Talks page on the LLL website. “You never know what we’re going to show!”

Sunday Series

No team to cheer for? No matter, everyone wins at our Sunday Series. Last year LLL added its weekend program of three Sunday afternoon programs. “If you’re looking for something beyond ‘first and goal’ than look no further,” Minsuk said. “Our Sunday Series offers a range of events, suitable for a smaller, more intimate setting.”

Likened to a salon setting, the January, February and March programs are held in the Chianti Room at Tuscany Falls. Last season’s events included The Arizona Flute Ensemble and a violin/piano duo, Magdalena and Josepha Strahota. There is no charge for the events, but registration is required. Check out the Sunday Series website for more detailed information.

PC Reads

This past summer, LLL added PC Reads, a year-round monthly drop-in book club.

The idea for PC Reads came from one of last season’s Sunday Series programs in which book groups throughout PebbleCreek read Julian Fellowes’ Belgravia, then gathered on a Sunday afternoon to learn about the book and its setting.

PC Reads meets the first Thursday of each month and registration is open now for the October 5 session, when These Is My Words: The Diary of Sarah Agnes Prine, 1881-1901, by Nancy Turner, will be discussed. The November 2 book is Still Alice, by Lisa Genova.

Please visit our website at, then join us and discover what makes our Special Programs so special. Be sure to register for each session of each program. Registration will open one month prior to the event.