Last month of the season has great programs

If you’ve delayed seeing what LifeLong Learning is all about, if you don’t attend one or more of the following events, you’ll have to wait until October!

Monday Morning Lectures (MML) begin at 10:00 a.m. in the Renaissance Theater. Premier Lectures begin at 7:00 p.m. and admission is $15 per person. For more information, come by the LLL Center Tuesday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to noon or visit

Please note that if you have registered for an event but cannot make it, please let us know so someone else can take your place. Email [email protected] or stop by the LLL Center.

March 4 Class: All You Need to Know About Cacti (pre-registration required)

March 6 MML: Valley Fever and You

March 8 Trip: Luke Air Force Base (full)

March 9: Cinema Society

March 13 MML: The TSA—-Behind the Scenes at Sky Harbor

March 15 Trip: Cars and Cows trip (pre-registration required)

March 17 Premier Lecture: Undercover at the CIA

March 19: Sunday Series III (pre-registration required)

March 20 MML: Medical Marijuana, Cure or Curse?

March 27 MML: HOOKED: Heroin, Opioids and Prescription Drug Abuse

March 28 Trip: Boyce Arboretum (pre-registration required)