Kathy Craig
Sharon Adamy
As have many in PebbleCreek, our December Artist of the Month began life in the Midwest. Kathy Craig and her husband, Charlie, moved to the Portland area in 1979 where they raised a family and pursued careers in the electrical utility industry. Because Charlie’s parents moved to Arizona in the 1970s, the Craig’s became familiar with the “winter in Arizona” concept. When it became time to retire, the couple began exploring the selection of 55 and over communities in the state. They selected PebbleCreek over all others. Believing that they have the ideal of summer in the northwest and winter in Arizona, Kathy and Charlie now find that they are spending more than seven months here in the valley.
Kathy enjoys golfing with her friends, sewing, cooking and playing card games. Recently, the Craigs joined other Irish Club members on a trip to Scotland and are anticipating another visit to that area, Ireland, in 2019.
Never considering herself artistic, Kathy took advantage of one of the Art Club’s offered workshops to try her hand at something new. After all, her grandmother began painting at 70 and became quite accomplished! It’s in the genes, right? Encouraged by Ila Larson, another Artist of the Month honoree and a successful watercolorist, Kathy enrolled in a class taught by fellow resident, Diane Walenda. With some trepidation Kathy examined her efforts, sighed deeply and regretted that she had not stuck to “paint by number” kits. As is her reputation, Diane and the rest of the class encouraged Kathy to continue her pursuit of watercolor excellence. Today, the rest of PebbleCreek can admire her efforts Yosemite and her interpretation of Vincent Van Gogh, Moroccan Bistro which hang in the reception areas of Tuscany Falls and Eagle’s Nest clubhouses.
Kathy takes additional art classes and enjoys the camaraderie of the Art Club’s Open Studio opportunities. She has assumed many duties as a club member and describes her painting style as eclectic leaning towards contemporary. Having learned how to paint tightly, with details and shading, Kathy is now into vibrancy and free-flowing strokes of color. Sometimes she finds herself outside her comfort zone, but taking risks is part of the growing experience. Each of her paintings takes about a month to create because adding details, even to a free-flowing painting, takes time and accuracy.
Kathy and Charlie are doting grandparents and Kathy often uses her talents at creating to paint gifts for her three grandchildren who live in St. Louis. Perhaps she is passing on those special genes, which she received from her grandmother. What better gift?
Take the opportunity to view Kathy Craig’s paintings exhibited in both PebbleCreek clubhouse reception areas and inside the hallway display windows of the Creative Arts Center. You will enjoy her art and get a glimpse into the creative heart of a very special person.