December PC Democratic Club Meeting Brings Knowledgeable Speakers and a Full Agenda!

Alisa Moore

The last meeting of 2019 for the PebbleCreek Democratic Club brought the announcement that active, dues-paid membership is more than 300 and growing! This is a very significant milestone for the club, as we have lots of activities going on and are happy to share our excitement about the work we are doing to help bring about political changes at the local, regional, state, and federal levels with as many folks as we can.

Social Committee Chair Jan Race reminded the audience of the upcoming monthly men’s breakfast, monthly women’s luncheon, Mexican train game nights, Winter Wonderland Holiday Party, and Saturday morning breakfasts, the Herberger-Kax Theater trip on Feb. 4 to see When Douglass Met Lincoln and the Mardi Gras Dinner Dance on Feb. 21.

Our two speakers, introduced by Vice President Chuck Veltri, shared very current, important information with the club membership.

Felicia Rotellini, chair of the Arizona Democratic Party, reviewed the party’s 2020 strategic plan with club members. She reminded the membership that Arizona is a battleground state, which will draw national attention from both parties, requiring grassroots work to assure the Democratic plan’s success. She emphasized the importance of every office in every local as well as statewide election. She also told the club that the work will not end with the 2020 election, pointing out that the 2022 election will be a critical one, too, in Arizona with a U.S. Senate seat as well as governor and other state offices on the ballot.

Robert McWhirter, candidate for Maricopa County attorney and a constitutional law expert, spoke to the club about the ongoing impeachment process. McWhirter spent his time answering questions from members about the impeachment, with an emphasis on the historical impeachment proceedings and how they apply to 2019.

Our next club meeting is Jan. 6, at the Tuscany Falls Ballroom. Elections for all board positions will be held at that meeting, which starts at 7 p.m. The social hour starts at 6 p.m. For more information on the PebbleCreek Democratic Club, visit Feel free to join us!