Bocce news

Carolyn Rota

Wow, it seems as if we just started to play the fall 2019 season but it will soon end on Friday Dec. 13. Where does the time go? Hope everyone is having a great time and now it’s time for some bocce news.

Its official we are now a member of the 21st Century. QuickScores/PebbleCreek seems to be a hit. Registration for the Winter Leagues is to be done all online at www.Quickscores/ There you will fine schedules, registration forms, team’s information, waivers, and all the by-laws and rules and regulations. If you have any questions please contact Tom Bose, [email protected], 602-478-8747 or Angela Petter, [email protected], 623-215-346. If you have more questions a Board Member will be at the EN Kiosk on Monday Dec. 2 and Tuesday, Dec. 3 from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m.

Prior to the winter league starting on Tuesday, Jan. 7, 2020, there will be a bocce clinic held on Monday, Jan. 6, 9 a.m. at the bocce courts. All members, new or seasoned, are welcomed to come, no registration is necessary. If you are a new member registering for the first time, your registration dues are to be mailed to Mrs. Angela Petter, 4061 N. 160th Lane, Goodyear, AZ 85395.

The calendar for the 2019-20 league sessions is available at the Clubhouses, and in the PC Post. It is also in the bocce glass bulletin board located outside at the EN Sports Complex building. Registration updates can be found on the HOA Monday website, the Community E-group email and channel 22 on the clubhouse’s TVs. Please keep in mind that all articles for the PC Post must be submitted by the 10th of the prior month, so any changes after the 10th pertaining to meetings locations, times, schedules, or other bocce related information will be emailed to the captains and in the bocce bulletin board glass case at the courts. It is the captain’s obligation to inform the team of all updates.

Important FYI: It is extremely important that all information on the weekly score sheets be filled out completely. The captains, co-captain or the designated person in charge make sure that all players’ names are legible, that the day of play is checked, team number and ball color is correct for each team. Include the judges name for each game, circle the 11 pts for the winning team and that the sheets are signed at the bottom.

Now a message from our Bocce President, Cheryl Kasselmann. “Hello all bocce members. With the fall league coming to a close and the hustle and bustle of the holidays approaching fast, now would be a good time to mark your calendar for the Jan. 3, 2020, captains meeting at 9 a.m. in the Tuscany Ballroom, and for the Jan. 5 Members Meeting and Potluck. During the meeting the new PC Bocce Board will be installed and a raffle for some great prizes will take place. I also suggest that the captains sign up their teams early, as there are only 31 tables of ten allowed so we can only accommodate the first 310 people. If your team is not available to attend but you would like to, ask another team if you could join them at their table. We really would like to fill up all the tables and give everyone the opportunity to have a great time. Lastly, this is also a food drive for St. Mary’s Food Bank, please consider bringing some non-perishable items as a donation. Thank you and Happy Holidays – Cheryl”.